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  The Artist with his new glasses, and two other heads, looking at the g from Calligraphic Swash Minuscule

Making a great new typeface is a process that involves meticulous attention to detail and an eye for the overall feel of the design.

Most of my typefaces reflect (at least to my view) a strong sense of the aesthetics and readability of letterforms that comes from the calligraphic roots of all letters, which requires some (however small) tribute to the edged pen in every character.

If you've got a hankering for a new and original typeface to express your message, make and maintain an identity, or just because it's possible, you can contact me at my eddress; love to hear from ya, and we'll add another voice to the burgeoning chorus of type.

Several fun display typeface designs (fonts to you) are available from FontHaus (Nanogram, PepRally, and UrbanScrawl);
and a large Calligraphic family is in progress, and Ergo, Finerliner, and Really are currently available from Linotype Library GmbH individually or on their TakeType CD.

Educated in Stamford, Connecticut and in Eugene, Oregon (University of Oregon BFA). Studied architecture and graphic design, and learned and taught calligraphy in the Oregon manner; studied typography under Chuck "Lucida" Bigelow in the pre-computer days. University of Bridgeport (MS Art Ed).

Currently, teaching calligraphy and typography, graphic design, and computer graphics to students at the University of Bridgeport, Department of Art and Design.

Secretary-Treasurer (2001-2002), Vice-President (2002-2004), President (2004-2005) and Web Messer for the TDC Type Directors Club.